This is Hoen Kwe flour:

Ingredients for the skin:
This recipe yields quite a lot of mini mooncake, so I suggest you cut down to 1/2 portion. Half recipe yields about 2 plastic trays of mini mooncakes.
1 pkt. agar-agar powder
200 gm. sugar
500 gm. water
20 gm. Hoen Kwe flour - can buy from Sun Lik or NTUC
10 gm. Custard powder (Bird's Eye)
450 gm. Dairy whipping cream
100 gm. of durian puree/strawberry puree/ peach puree/ any fruit of your choice
Ice-cream - you can make your own ice-cream and pour into a 9" square tray and let it set then cut into small squares as filling for the mooncakes. You can also buy the ice-cream and then cut into small squares to fit into your moulds.
(1) Mix hoon kwee flour and custard powder together. Add in some water to dissolve it.
(2) Boil agar-agar powder, sugar and water till boiling.
(3) Lower down the heat, pour in hoon kwee and custard powder mixture. Stir till cooked.
(4) Off the fire, pour in whip cream and durian puree and stir thoroughly.
(5) Pour in some agar agar mixture into the mould and then put in a piece of ice-cream and then fill up the mould with the balance agar agar mixture.
(6) Put in the freezer until it hardens.
(7) Release from mould then serve.