

922中秋節將至,月餅應景登場,The Westin Taipei六福皇宮在今年的月餅禮盒以傳統廣式與日式桃山和果子為主題,承襲一貫優雅精緻的包裝,推出年年熱銷經典款的六格木盒


The Westin Taipei六福皇宮行銷公關部表示,依據往年銷售經驗,兼具質感與實用性質的木盒包裝相當受到消費者喜愛,不僅送禮氣派大方,還可供裝飾、收納使用,因此今年月餅主打款為以精緻金黃色六格木盒盛裝的璀月.廣式月餅禮盒含有6款經典廣式月餅。延續往年熱銷月餅口味,推出深受消費者喜愛的《果芙.桃山月餅禮盒》,由六福皇宮點心房陳清海主廚以日本桃山當地獨特的餡包餡技法巧製6款道地的清爽不膩的和果子,搭配的典雅沉穩的的長型造型紙質禮盒,咖啡色系的典雅造型,深具東方禪意風采


The Westin Taipei 六福皇宮 中秋月餅禮盒一覽表

















* 8/15前訂購付款享85折優惠。













* 8/15前購訂購付款享85折優惠


璀月.廣式月餅禮盒 每盒NT$1,288 六顆入


每份禮盒各有6款分別兼具傳統的白蓮蓉蛋黃、棗泥核桃蛋黃、純黑豆沙蛋黃與創意新口味的桂圓荔枝、錫蘭紅茶香柚蛋黃、干貝XO的廣式月餅,內餡以軟綿細緻白鳳豆沙、純黑豆沙為基底,綿、鬆、香、濕、濃五種口感兼具,蛋黃皆使用新鮮鴨蛋,因此每顆蛋黃都油潤鮮香; 爲符合現代人對健康美食的需求,主廚也特別將糖分與油脂含量降低,多吃一口也不怕負擔上身!


【強力推薦】桂圓荔枝 台灣玉荷包荔枝乾、台南東山煙燻桂圓乾、陳年紹興酒、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖


白蓮蓉蛋黃 白蓮蓉、鮮蓮子、鮮鴨蛋黃


棗泥核桃蛋黃 純棗泥、核桃、鮮鴨蛋黃


純烏豆沙蛋黃 純烏豆沙、鮮鴨蛋黃


干貝XO 鮮干貝、干貝XO醬、白鳳豆沙


錫蘭紅茶香柚蛋黃 日本和果子香柚絲、錫蘭紅茶、鮮鴨蛋黃、白鳳豆沙

主廚選用日本頂級和果子香柚絲、錫蘭紅茶融內月餅餡,為難得一見、突破傳統的創意口味! 香酥的外皮下包裹著日本香柚清新高雅的爽口滋味,結合錫蘭紅茶濃厚香醇與鮮鴨蛋黃的的渾厚香氣,流動在月餅之中,如同月光般流暢的清新食感,前所未有的美味,豐富您的味覺神經!

《桃山‧果芙月餅禮盒》 每盒NT$988 六顆入

桃山‧果芙月餅禮盒 6格月餅組合成的橫長型造型紙質禮盒,咖啡色系的典雅造型,深具東方禪意風采。

和果子不僅美味、甜而不膩,更是精緻的手工甜點,The Westin Taipei六福皇宮點心房主廚陳清海表示,和果子主要以白鳳豆沙、海藻糖與主題食材變化出不同層次口感的甜點,每一款和果子都有獨特的風味,他選用奶油起士、櫻花、白桃等食材,令口味更加豐富。主廚並採日本桃山地區,製作和果子享有盛名的桃山和果子製作技法,以餡包餡的技術結合特調內餡,將白鳳豆沙餡當成外皮包覆不同豆沙餡,添加膳食纖維,製成低糖低油、入口即化、滋味細膩的桃山果芙月餅。


煎茶黑豆 日本抹茶粉、日本黑豆、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖、葡萄糖


櫻花起士 日本櫻花醬、日本櫻花葉、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖、葡萄糖


白桃起士 日本蜜漬白桃、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖、葡萄糖


錫蘭紅茶香柚 日本和果子香柚絲、錫蘭紅茶、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖、葡萄糖


焦糖蔓越莓 特製焦糖、美國蔓越莓乾(果汁含量25%)、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖


金桔起士 日本蜜漬金桔、奶油起士、膳食纖維、白鳳豆沙、海藻糖、葡萄糖





提貨日期: 91

璀月.廣式月餅禮盒 每盒NT$1,288 六顆入

《桃山‧果芙月餅禮盒》 每盒NT$988 六顆入

* 815前訂購並付款享85折優惠。




* HSBC匯豐銀行白金卡、國泰世華銀行白金卡、新光銀行全卡友新光銀行全卡友均可享九折優惠

詹姆士 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 薑燒豬肉

阿基師 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 番茄炒蛋

Mooncake 中秋冰皮月餅


澄麵 35g
飲用開水 112g
椰漿 56g
鮮奶 112g
生油 4g
糕粉適量 (即糯米粉用白鑊炒熟~沾餅模用)


4.粉糊以大火蒸25-30分鐘 (若用淺的4.蒸盆,蒸25分鐘便可,若用深的蒸盆,則要蒸30分鐘) ,取出擱涷,再搓成軟滑適中之粉糰。
5. 若想省時間,可待蒸粉糊的時間,將餡自料分好,搓成小球備用。
6. 待粉糰稍涼後分成小粉糰球。
7. 將小粉糰球用兩張保鮮膜上下夾著,用手由上至下壓薄,再用捧壓平。


詹姆士 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 味增湯

阿基師 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 蔥爆豬肉

Shangri-La Hotel Mooncakes 2010

gorgeous white chocolate snow skin with bits of kumquat

I reckon I'm in love....with Shangri-La Hotel's mooncakes. Being early this time in my sampling session has meant I got the cream of the crop including their highly sought after durian snow skin mooncake, something I missed out last year.

green tea snow skin mooncake with candied ginger pieces

I was impressed with the snow skin selection - flavours were well paired with most of them except the green tea one (I expected the ginger to alleviate the sweetness but instead they used the sweet tasting candied ginger). Since I'm more a snow skin gal, I didn't sample any of the traditional mooncakes except the assorted nuts and sun dried fruits one.

assorted nuts mooncake sliced, pink roses, dark chocolate snow skin mooncake with dulce de leche centre, avocado with custard mooncake hidden within the box

Known as "Ng Yan" in Chinese, the assorted nuts and sundried fruits mooncake (RM22.50 per piece, RM90 for 4 pieces) was chock full of goodies-winter melon, sesame seeds, almonds, kat paeng (candied mandarin orange peel), melon seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, with a dash of rose wine. While we loved the taste of the nuts, we found it to be a little on the drier side that may indicate it wasn't too fresh.

chock full of goodies - assorted nuts and sundried fruits mooncake

The mini durian snow skin (ping pei) mooncake (RM16 per piece, RM96 for 6 pieces) was superb!! A must for durian lovers indeed as it contains the highly sought after and aromatic "Mau Sang Wong" durian within. There's not much of an aroma from outside but cut through the soft snow skin and the strong distinct heady aroma hits you to slowly draw you in. I was so glad I had bought two pieces of this decadent mooncake for my mother to savour with my aunt later this week.

divine durian snow skin mooncake

Another favourite of ours was the mini ping pei snow white chocolate with orange kumquat (RM16 per piece, RM96 for a box of 6 pieces). The small chopped pieces of kumquat scattered within the white chocolate filling seemed to add a lovely tang and of course, made it less rich.

white chocolate with kumquat, silk covered box, Russian dolls, durian mooncake with saga seeds

We also gave our thumbs up to the fragrant mini ping pei snow dark chocolate dulce de leche praline flavour with almond and hazelnut (RM16 per piece, RM96 for 4 pieces). There seemed to be a hint of coffee within the fragrant chocolate snow skin that made it irresistible, like a chocolate truffle.

dark chocolate snow skin mooncake with a dulce de leche centre and almonds with hazelnuts

Even though it sounded like a weird combination, the mini ping pei avocado with custard (RM14 per piece, RM84 for 6 pieces) made perfect sense once you popped a piece in the mouth - silky smooth with a hint of the avocado taste. The only dissapointment was the mini ping pei white green tea flavour with candy ginger (RM16 per piece, RM96 for 6 pieces) - a little on the oily side and too cloyingly sweet with the chopped pieces of candied ginger. This year, they also retained last year's mini ping pei bird's nest with custard with a RM1 price increase to RM23 per piece, RM138 for 6 pieces.

As usual, Shangri-La Hotel's packaging is regal looking with six pieces or four large pieces encased in a silk brocade covered box. They have retained that lovely folding boxes too, hence everything looks elegant enough to be presented to your clients or the family. When I was buying my mooncakes, I spotted this lady who was carting away a whole trolley full of mooncakes!! You also get two rebate vouchers at RM20 each to be used in Shang Palace and Zipangu when you purchase one box of mooncakes. However like all vouchers, there are conditions attached to it. Zipangu's voucher requires you to spend a minimum of RM96++ per voucher before it is valid, while the Shang Palace voucher user must spend a minimum of RM50++ per voucher. Both vouchers are valid until 30 November, 2010. Discounts are also available if you bulk purchase the mooncakes. A note on the prices, last year they ranged from RM12 to RM24 (the priciest was the truffle) for the snow skin varieties, this year there is definitely an increase as the cheapest one starts from RM14 with the most expensive being the birds nest variety at RM23.

Shangri-La Hotel Mooncakes
11 Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-20743560 to order or enquire



【材 料】

【做 法】
1 先將材料A中的高筋麵粉和低筋麵粉一起過篩備用。
2 將作法1的材料與其餘材料A一起拌揉成糰,加入奶油拌勻,揉至麵糰光滑不黏手後,裝入塑膠袋中,靜置鬆弛30分鐘備用。
3 麵糰用桿麵棍桿開,展開為起酥片的2倍大,將起酥片包裹起來,再將麵糰桿長,厚度約0.4公分,折成四摺,再次裝入塑膠袋中,靜置鬆弛30分鐘。重複麵糰折四摺、靜置的動作3次,即為起酥麵糰備用。
4 將作法3的起酥麵糰桿開,厚度約0.4公分,再裁成長度30公分、寬度20公分的起酥皮2 張,分別捲成圓柱狀,包上保鮮膜,放入冰箱冷凍1~2小時至硬備用。
5 將作法4的起酥皮取出,切成1公分的厚片狀,塔模抹上白油,撒些高筋麵粉,置入塔模內,捏整成塔皮,靜置鬆弛20分鐘備用。
6 將鮮奶與細砂糖拌勻至糖完全融化,加入蛋黃拌勻後過篩,再加入動物性鮮奶油拌勻,靜置10分鐘,即為內餡備用。
7 烤箱預熱,將作法6的內?倒入作法5的塔皮內,入烤箱以上火220℃、下火200℃烤約20分鐘即可。
【備 註】

詹姆士 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 泰式炒河粉

阿基師 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 滑蛋蝦仁

Starduzz Jelly Mooncakes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

Friends at penang can try this... me to far cant order from them. ^^

The Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. If you are spoilt for choice and can't decide which mooncake to buy, try jelly mooncakes!

Jelly mooncakes are gaining popularity in the recent years, especially among the health-conscious. Starduzz Homemade Delicacies also makes these dainty and colourful jelly mooncakes.

The Starduzz jelly mooncakes are made with real fruits and natural ingredients. No preservative is added and only natural fruit colouring is used. They are best eaten chilled and while fresh. (Not for Vegetarian)

The mooncakes come in six different flavours and fillings i.e. Nangka (Jackfruit), Cendol, Strawberry Yogurt, Kiwi with Sesame Seeds, Dragon Fruit and Cappucino for coffee lovers.

Nangka (Jackfruit)

Strawberry Yogurt

Kiwi with Sesame Seeds

The mooncakes are sold in a box of four with each mooncake priced at RM6.

A box of four jelly mooncakes (RM24)

Every jelly mooncake flavour and filling is unique in its' own way and equally good. The Nangka mooncake is rich and has real nangka flesh.

Real nangka flesh
Coconut and cendol filling

The fragrant brown sugar jelly with coconut and cendol filling is a great combination. This Cendol mooncake is our family's favourite

Real strawberry flesh

The Strawberry Yogurt mooncake is little sourish but very light. I love its refreshing taste and real strawberry flesh.

Black sesame filling

The kiwi and black sesame combination is surprisingly good. The sweetness from the sesame filling complements the sourish kiwi jelly. A unique concoction indeed.

The jelly mooncakes are packed in a nice paper box, ideal for giving away as gifts to relatives, associates and friends.

Call now to order. Delivery available for orders above 10 boxes.

Starduzz Homemade Delicacies
Sharon (012-4239025) or Foong (012-4770962)


阿基師教你做 ~ ~ 乾炒牛河

詹姆士 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 白醬義大利麵


【材 料】


蛋 25公克
細砂糖 60公克
鹽 1小匙
乾酵母 15公克
水 225公克


高筋麵粉 415公克
奶粉 1大匙

奶油 50公克


青蔥 100公克
奶油 50公克
麵包粉 18公克
蛋 1個
黑胡椒 適量
鹽 適量
糖 適量

【做 法】

1 同漢堡麵包作法將麵糰完成基本發酵。
2 將青蔥切成細段,再將奶油熔化,所有餡料拌勻備用。
3 基礎發酵完成後,將麵糰分割成每個20公克,滾圓靜置鬆弛10分鐘後再次滾圓,並將4個小麵糰相連成為一組,所有材料依序作好,並進行25分鐘的最後發酵。
4 在每個小麵糰表面劃開一刀,並置入適量餡料,再進行10分鐘的最後發酵。
5 最後發酵完成後,入烤箱以上火200℃、下火160℃烤10~12分鐘即可。

【備 註】份量:10個

Mooncake Preview @ Golden Phoenix, Hotel Equatorial

Malaysian consumers are in the lucky situation of having plenty of options when it comes to mooncakes. From Chinese restaurants, bakeries, franchises to hotels, everyone is presenting an almost endless variety of mooncakes every year. And this year, we were lucky to be invited to the show case of Hotel Equatorial’s offerings, thanks to the good folks from Feedmelah and Hotel Equatorial.

We had fun sampling the various delicate cuts and picking out our favorite.
When it comes to packaging, Hotel Equatorial presents its mooncakes in elegant packaging that is sure to win the hearts any mooncake aficionados.


In addition to mooncakes, one can also purchases these Shining Moonlight that resembles Gold Ingots that symbolize wealth, abundance and prosperity. A box of 9 mini ingots costs RM38 and it is limited to only 20 boxes per day. Advance order is required.
equatorial mooncake
Red Bean Green Tea (RM13.90), Pure Lotus Double Yolk (RM20.00)
equatorial mooncake-1
New Contemporary Flavours for 2010 (RM 17.90 to RM 18.90): (from top left) Red Yeast Sweet Potato, Espresso Chestnut, German Black Forest, Charcoal-Baked Yam, Bamboo Hazelnut, Pumpkin Taro.

While we found some of the offerings were a tad too sweet for our liking, our votes go to espresso chestnut, pumpkin taro and german blackforest. The espresso chestnut mooncake is a perfect blend of flavours, and the strong aroma of coffee alone is arousing. I love the combination of pumpkin and taro simple because I adore pumpkin and yam so much. The german blackforest is nice with the right sweetness and the chocolate gave a pleasing bitter aftertaste.

For more information on the variesties and pricing, go to their website here

Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 3 2161 7777
Fax: +60 3 2161 9020


阿基師 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 星洲炒米

詹姆士 ~~ 主廚教你做 - 南瓜濃湯


【材 料】

高筋麵粉 500g
紅糖 15g

砂糖 40g
南瓜子 200g

【做 法】
1 將高筋麵粉、紅糖、鹽,倒入大鋼盆中,與290cc的水,均勻攪拌成糰狀,最後加入新鮮酵母,充分和勻於麵糰中。
2 將作法1麵糰移置桌面上,用力搓揉約15~20分鐘,直到表面光滑、質地柔軟,將麵糰展延至成為一個微微透明的薄膜為止,即可把麵糰分割成每個各80g的小麵糰,再分別滾圓。
3 將作法2的小麵糰,先從正中間用大姆指戳一個洞,再整型成圈狀,即可蓋上塑膠袋,靜置醱酵15~20分鐘。
4 取一鍋,倒入1000cc的水和砂糖,以中火煮沸後,放入作法3的麵糰,兩面各煮約1分鐘,撈起置於烤盤上。
5 將南瓜子均勻灑在作法4的麵糰上,烤箱預熱220℃,放入烘烤約18~22分鐘,至外表呈金黃色時即可取出。

The Mooncake Showdown 2010 - Mooncake fever hits Singapore

Once again, the heavenly pastries are upon us and with the economy back in full swing, restaurants will be furiously churning out mooncakes of all shapes, sizes, flavours and colours. This week, we bring you our top picks of some of the best mooncakes this season.

Outlets islandwide, 6338 4656

Goodwood Park Hotel’s D24 Durian Paste in Snowskin Mooncake has strong competition this year from Bakerzin with its Divine Durian Mini Snow Skin (8 piecess per box for SG$56). Although they do not contain D24 durians like Goodwood Park Hotel, they are good and you get double the quantity for the same money.

That is always a good thing if you are keen to entertain a larger group of friends or as a gift to a larger family. Each mini mooncake is individually sealed in air-tight packs and frozen to preserve the flavours.

Other more novel flavours include Brandied Cherry Truffle Mini Snow Skin, Midnight – Sesame Truffle Mini Snow Skin and Rum & Raisin Truffle Mini Snow skin which can be purchased as a box of Assorted Truffle Mini Snow Skin (8 pcs for SG$48)

BreadTalk bakeries islandwide,

The Pavilion set is undoubtedly BreadTalk’s star offering this Mid-Autumn festival with only 888 boxes available.

Inspired by the China pavilion at the World Expo (Shanghai), the Pavilion marks BreadTalk’s 10th birthday. Each set (SG48) consists of 4 pieces of mooncakes individually-packed within gold tins. There are 5 flavours to choose from; Red Bean Single Yolk and Taro Lotus with Mung Bean which are new as well as Black Sesame Single Yolk, White Lotus Single Yolk and Traditional Lotus Single Yolk.

COVA Pasticceria-Confetteria
290 Orchard Road, 6733 0777

Trust an Italian cafe to churn out mooncakes that appeal to a more “western” palate.

The COVA Pasticceria – Confetteria, unveils two new additions to its crowd-pleasing Torta Della Luna collection (literally meaning ‘cake of the moon’ in Italian) this year – the Mocha Snowskin Mooncake – made with COVA’s very own premium coffee and chocolate – and Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Snowskin Mooncake.

The Torta Della Luna collection – made up entirely of snowskin creations – returns for the second year to enchant mooncake lovers with its original offerings. Two other much-loved mooncake flavours – Rose and Vanilla Snowskin Mooncake; and Peanut and Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake – will make a popular comeback from last year.

Get a box of 4 flavours for SG$38.50.

Grand Park City Hall (Park Palace)
10 Coleman Street, 6432 5555

Four new flavours out of the kitchen of Park Palace, they include Golden Bean Mooncake (SG$46 per box of four pieces). It is the first one we have seen this year with sweet savoury paste made from Mung Beans. An interesting variation of its Park Palace Golden Yam (SG$52 for a box of 4 with single yolk).

They also join the durian foray with the ‘Mau Shan Wang’ Durian at $88 per box of four pieces. A bit pricier than the competition but it is complemented with a touch of golden flake.

Baileys Truffle & Mint, a best seller last year also returns at SG$43 per box of eight pieces.

Goodwood Park Hotel
22 Scotts Road, Singapore 228221, 67301867

Two new flavours this year from the Goodwood Park Hotel kitchen. Almond Beancurd with Longan Giant Snowskin Mooncake (SG$12 per piece) – a massive 12-cm centrepiece and the Apple Caramel Snowskin Mooncake. Both flavours are actually very light and are welcome entries in a genre that is saturated with quadruple yolks and cholesterol.

Of course, the D24 Durian Paste in Snowskin Mooncake is an evergreen favourite at Goodwood Park Hotel. They go for SG$50 for 4 pieces and are worth every cent. It is also available in cempedak paste instead of durian.

Outlets islandwide, 1800 732 1566

Very much like the cakes at Häagen-Dazs, where you get more ice cream than cake, the mooncakes here are all filled with lovely ice cream as well. The Precious collection (SG$62 for a box of 5) includes one Macadamia Nut Ice Cream Mooncake surrounded by five special Vanilla and Belgian Chocolate miniature Ice Cream Mooncakes.

They are literally like giant fine chocolate truffles with ice cream fillings crapped with dark chocolate and gold lacing. They are actually great as gifts to people who do not like traditional lotus filling mooncakes.

Intercontinental Singapore (Man Fu Yuan Chinese Restaurant)
80 Middle Rd, 68208519

The new Snowskin Mooncake Combination (SG$45 per box), which combines 4 unique flavours per box, will probably have something for everyone. It combines unique flavours like Green Tea Paste paired with almond flakes, red bean paste with melon seeds, pumpkin paste with chocolate pearls, and lastly black sesame paste with white sesame seeds. All unique flavours that incorporate familiar Chinese flavours that are more commonly found in other Chinese dishes.

Also look out for Man Fu Yuan’s signature Japanese Sweet Potato Flake Pastry Mooncake with single yolk which returns this year. It is priced at SG$49.90 and will be a hit especially with Teochew folk – yes we know how much you guys like starchy stuff like Sweet Potato and yam.

Orchard Hotel Singapore (Hwa Ting)
442 Orchard Road, 6739 6666

Group Masterchef Chan Kwok and his talented culinary team debut two new snow skin flavours Mini Snow Skin with Pumpkin Paste and Melon Seeds and Mini Snow Skin with Almond Paste and Melon Seeds. They are available at at SG$48.00 for a box of 8 along with the signature Beetroot with Red Wine and Cranberry Paste, Custard with Yolk, White Lotus Paste with Yolk and Green Tea Paste with Yolk.

Alongside the mouth-watering snow skin creations, Hua Ting offers traditional favourites which include White Lotus Paste with Macadamia Nuts, Seeds of Harmony, White Lotus Paste with Double Yolks, and Lotus Paste with Single Yolk at (SG$52.00 for a box of 4 pieces).

Paradise Group
Paradise restaurants islandwide, +65 6288 8961

Discerning lovers of snow skin mooncakes will be intrigued by the wide variety of flavours beneath these adorable petites in bite-sized portion.

Take pleasure and sweeten your Mid Autumn celebrations with flavours which include exotic Golden Pomelo, Fragrant Black Sesame, Sweet Custard with Cashew Nuts, and velvety smooth Pure Lotus (SG$38 for a box of 8). For an ultimate indulgence, succumb to extravagance with the Royale Bird Nest for a luxurious treat (SG$88 for a box of 8).

Peach Garden
65 Chulia Street, 65357833

If you are game for some baked mooncakes, Peach Garden has a variety, including novel ones like such as their Freshly Baked Premium Lotus Paste with Macadamia Nuts (SG$45 for a box of 4), Premium Lotus Paste with Honey Peach(SG$42 for a box of 4) and Premium Lotus Paste with Ginseng ((SG$43 for a box of 4).

If you like yours with a bit more bite, then the Peach Deluxe Assorted Nuts with Kam Hua Ham (SG50 for a box of 4) would be right up your tree.

Peony Jade
Peony Jade @ Clarke Quay, Blk 3A Clarke Quay #02-02, 6338 0305

Peony Jade has entered this years mooncake rush in a big way with not 1 but 8 new flavours! Among the new flavours are the Pure Top Grade Jin Feng Butter Cream Durian in Pearl Powder Snowskin (SG$68 for 4 pieces), a limited-edition creation that brings together aromatic durian and custard with the finest pearl powder.

Another new fruit based entry is the Snowskin Japanese Yuzu Citrus Truffle with Orange Walnut Paste (SG$60 for 4 pieces). Premium white lotus paste is complemented by orange walnut, and punctuated by a velvety Yuzu citrus-infused Orange Ganache with white chocolate.

Of course let’s not forget Peony Jade’s perennially popular Flaky Teochew Oor Nee mooncakes Expect thick velvety yam filling with golden Japanese pumpkin (SG$48 for 4 pieces).

Resorts World
Snowskin and traditional mooncake booth opposite Feng Shui Inn, 6577 8888

Using the finest Grade A whole bird’s nest encased in smooth velvety filling, the exterior comes in four different tropical flavours—green tea, lemon, lychee and strawberry. The green tea and strawberry flavoured mooncakes are filled with white lotus paste while the lychee and lemon flavoured ones are packed with creamy custard. Presented in a specially designed Resorts World carry box, each box contains eight mini snowskin mooncakes priced at S$98*.

Sheraton Towers (Li Bai)

Thirty-Nine Scotts Road, 6839 5623

Only one new flavour out the the Li Bai kitchen this year - White Lotus Seed Paste with Wolfberries and Dried Apricot. This Mooncake boasts the rich yet subtly sweet taste of Lotus Seed Paste, dotted with the fine textures of the fruits within.

But what we really want to mention is Sheraton Towers’ box. The Imperial Lacquer Box (SG$108 for 4 pieces of White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Egg Yolks) is by far the most impressive and gift box this year and as Ris Low would put it, “boomz”. It consists of 4 glossy individual Mooncake boxes set on top of a solid black lacquered wooden tray, with the Li Bai logo stamped in gold. If you have a client who has been good to you this year, you cannot go wrong with this gift set.

The 2 limited edition premium boxes – Empress Treasure Box (2009) and Premier Jade Box (2008) are also available again this year and they look equally nice - SG$68.00 and SG$78.00 respectively with 4 pieces of White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Egg Yolks.

Swissotel (SzeChuan Court)
80 Bras Basah Road, 6338 8785

Szechuan Court blew us away last year with a flawless repertoire of snowskin mooncakes that shout finesse and this year is no different. Back is their Mini Snow-Skin Rum & Raisin Chocolate Truffle Mooncake, Mini Snow-Skin Champagne Truffle & Chocolate Ganache Mooncake and Mini Snow-Skin Baileys Chocolate Mooncake. Joining the snow skin variation is the new Mini-Snow Skin Organic Muesli Chocolate Mooncake.

Within this gem lies a sensational Swiss chocolate swirl, luxuriously sprinkled with muesli, wrapped within a core of creamy chocolate shell. Get a set of mixed snow skin mookcakes for SG$50 for a box of 8.