The Human Body Produces a Variety of Toxic Products
There are several number of organs throughout the body responsible for the process of digestion, right from the oesophagus to the stomach, small intestine, colon of bowel before being expelled from the body through the anus. The complex process of the remains of food after nutrients have been removed and the excretion of waste products need 12-24 hours to complete.
Unexpelled toxic waste produce their own by-products and if these are not eliminated, it can be poison itself. You can have bloated tummies, dizziness and discomfort setting in. Ensure that this does not happen regularly.
Other factors can give a clogging nature to our bodies. We start to feel bad when we become tired, stressed, hormones being ill-balanced and as these take shape, we may be facing problems like memory failures, fatigue, yellowish skins, constipation, piles growth, becoming obese.
It may seem queer to think of the lungs as organs of excretion but carbon dioxide is another waste product excreted by the body. If carbon dioxide starts dissolving in the blood, it can bring about respiratory failure.
Free-radicals in the body can be a fundamental cause of diminishing collagen fibres thus giving rise to the onset of wrinkles, pigmentation, industrial development giving rise to cancer etc...
Protein is the most complex of all food elements and the assimilation and utilization are rather complicated. But the easiest food for the body to break down is fruit. Detoxifi-cation is cleansing and the cleansing aspect of fruit washes impacted fecal matter from the intestinal walls. This is why water drunk first thing in the morning (around 200ml) is a wise move and exercise keeps you in good form, making you feel light and renewed.
Carrots or sea kelp are good food to eliminate body waste. Black wood ear fungus is also good. The later can remove dirty cells from the plague attached to the intestines this like they are being scrubbed clean.
Curdled pig's blood has raised many eyebrows as it is thought to be a good cleanser so has the properties of green tea for nicotine removal. Red wine is good for the heart, fresh ginger acts as a barrier from simple germs and green beans may help to detoxify simple toxic material.
Perspiration, urine are other methods of waste removal from the body.
A gradual approach to exercise daily like going for brisk walks or playing a game of basketball, volleyball, cycling or trekking gives you a healthier lifestyle as it helps you to cope with stress. Drink more water when you exercise and take warm bath using water in the 35 degrees Celsius to 42 degrees Celsius region. As the pores open, toxins are released through sweat. Always remember that exercise is a health system which supports general wellness.
by C M Dr. Allen K.M. Pang (Doctor of Chinese Medicine)
☆ Medical Advisor of Xiamen Ren De Hospital
☆ Regional Representative of Nanjing TCM University
☆ President of SEL & KL Association of China Graduated Chinese Physicians
☆ Guest Lecturer of Hong Kong Wah Ha TCM College
☆ Director Jiangxi TCM University Malaysia Tutoring Centre
☆ Vice Chairman (Overseas) of Xiamen TCM & Medicine Promoting Association.
一 般上在正常的新陈代谢情况下,人们所吃的食物经过食道、胃、十二指肠、小肠、大肠,最后从肛门排出体外,整个过程一般可在12-24小时内完成,这样就可 确保废物不在肠中过久停留而产生毒素。粪便中毒素甚多,如硫化氢、吲哚、粪臭素,若不及时排出,会被肌体重新吸收入血,不但引起腹胀,更会使人头晕脑胀、 思维受损。因此避免体内囤积毒素应常确保大便通畅。
虽然人体排便是一种防毒功能,可是疲劳、紧张或其他生理原因,也会导致人体出现代谢功 能失调、内分泌紊乱,致使人体的废物长期停留在体内。这样残余的废物在肠内开始腐败,结肠中的菌群就会不断分解废物,产生毒素。这些毒素经过结肠再次吸 收,不断渗出污染体内环境,后经血液循环进入人体的不同器官,从而进入体内引发各种疾病,出现记忆力衰退、疲劳、面色灰黄、便秘、痔疮和内分泌失调、肥胖 等。
除了人体本身的新陈代谢紊乱会产生毒素之外, 我们身边周围的环境亦可产生一些对人体有害的物质通过呼吸饮食进入人体。肺是人体最易积存毒素的器官之一。自然界中的粉尘、有害气体与金属微粒及工业废气 中的有毒物质,都能通过呼吸进入气管,最后进入肺泡,不但肺要受到伤害,有毒物质还能潜入血液循环而株连全身。
另外人体内的自由基,是氧 化过程中的副产物,它在体内积聚过多,会破坏去氧核糖核酸、胶原蛋白和正常组织细胞,使人出现皱纹、老年斑甚至还会导致癌症和老年痴呆症。蔬菜水果应呈碱 性,经常多吃能与饮食中的糖类、肉类、蛋类等酸性食品及代谢中的酸性物质发生化学反应,使人的血液保持弱碱性,使沉积在血管壁上的有毒物质被溶解,清除体 内的自由基,并使之排出体外。清晨起床后至少要喝200多毫升水,多活动活动,不但能稀释血液、防止血液浓缩,出现脑血管意外,更能起到清刷胃肠的作用, 使得大小便排出,清除毒素。
很多食物是天然的排毒器。例如胡萝卜,它能与体内的重金属结合,生成一种对肌体无害的物质然后排出体外。还有 海带含有褐藻酸,能减慢放射性元素锶和镉被肠道吸收,使之排出体外;黑木耳能抑制血小板凝集、降低胆固醇,黑木耳中的胶原能将残留在肠道内的粉尘积聚在一 起,然后排出体外。
猪血含有血浆蛋白,经人体胃酸消化分解后,能与侵入肠道内的粉尘和有害金属发生化学反应,变成不易被肌体吸收的物质排 出。因此,长期从事毒粉工作的人,应多吃猪血。绿茶含有许多解毒因子,能与血液中有毒物质结合,加速从尿液中排出体外。绿茶还有抗癌降血脂作用。吸烟者应 常喝绿茶,以减轻尼古丁对肌体的毒害。葡萄酒为碱性食品,适当喝些不但对心脏有益还能预防酸中毒。生姜含辛辣姜油及姜烯酮,对伤寒、沙门氏菌等有强大的杀 灭作用。绿豆味甘寒,能解砒霜草木诸毒,对重金属和农药中毒及其他各种食物中毒均有防治作用。因此,经常接触铅、砷、镉、化学农药等有毒物质的人应常吃绿 豆食品。
体内毒素亦可通过排汗加以清除。汗和尿液基本相似,都是体内有毒的废物。因此为了清除体内毒素,要常运动,包括长跑、打篮球、排 球、快速骑车和登山。运动前多喝些水,增加出汗。洗热水澡,水温宜在35℃至42℃、或洗桑拿浴,都能使汗腺疏张,汗毛孔散开,得以排汗和排毒,更能清除 皮肤上的油腻污垢,促进血液循环、活血化瘀、加速代谢、起到清洗血管作用。健康的身体是人人所追求的,注意个人养生,保持体内无毒素便可延年益寿,远离病 痛。
东方中医药进修学院院长: 彭国民中医师撰稿